Many people want to know if I am walking yet. The answer is slightly more complicated than a 'yes' or 'no' answer. You see, I want to walk.

I like to walk. I even cheer myself on yelling "go! go! go!" as I walk.

Sometimes, I forget that I haven't yet walked by myself. What is this? A flower? Must stretch out a little further to touch it...

Mostly, I haven't walked yet because I am a very cautious little girl. I'm just not ready to let go of mom and dad.

On the other hand, I do other things. I like to smooch. I make a big mmmmmmmm sound and then go in for a wet one.

I feed myself just about anything I can get my hands on. I try to use the spoon sometimes when mom isn't paying attention but that is trickier than it looks.

I am saying all sorts of things. "What's that?" "Hello!" "Sasson." "Go!" "Mama." "Dada." "Nite, nite." "Bye, bye." "Blast off!" "Row, row, row" (your boat). And other stuff that I can't remember right now.

love, love, love my brother.

So really, what's the rush to walk? I am having so much fun just being me.
No rushing into that walking business; it's overrated. With such a gorgeous face, Beatrix, you have to take time to pose and hold those dreamy expressions. Love the shot of you, Sasson and Mama! Keep the pix coming.