It's the Birthday girl here! It has taken me a few weeks to get the festivity photos uploaded but here they are...

My birthday cupcakes
For my birthday, Saxon gave me a very special and unique gift--his delightful vomiting tummy bug from nursery school. Just as soon as I ate a cupcake....erp! back up it came.

Before the cupcake...

...after the cupcake.

Redressed and composed, we lit my cupcakes (for a second time) so Saxon could blow out the candles (for a second time).

My birthday present was a bee on wheels. A bee for Bea, you might say.
On Saturday, we had a birthday brunch for me and grandma, grandad, Uncle Tim and Aunt Rebecca came for the festivities.

Grandma made me a special cake with Peter and Mrs. Rabbit.


randma needed help cutting and serving the cake and Saxon was happy to oblige.

Here are the kids, strapped in. Do you think they are getting the hint that I am hungry?

Pretty sophisticated for one, don't you think? Yeah, I think one is going to be a pretty good year.....